Saucer Magnolia Growing Conditions: Caring For Saucer Magnolias In Gardens and Why is my saucer magnolia dying

A cavalry officer in Napoleon’s army is cited as saying, “The Germans have encamped in my gardens,” shortly after the Napoleonic Wars in Europe in the early 1800s. I’ve set up camp in the Germans’ gardens. Without a doubt, staying home and planting their cabbages would have been preferable for both parties. Etienne Soulange-Bodin, the Cavalry officer, went back to France and established the Royal Institute of Horticulture in Fromont. His most lasting contribution was not what he did in combat, but rather what he accomplished in breeding Magnolia liliflora and Magnolia denudata, which resulted in the stunning tree that is now known as the saucer magnolia (Magnolia soulageana).
The saucer magnolia, which Soulange-Bodin bred in the 1820s, was highly prized by gardeners worldwide by 1840 and sold for roughly $8 per seedling—a steep price for a tree at the time. One of the most well-liked trees in the United States and Europe even today is the saucer magnolia. For additional information about saucer magnolia, keep reading.
Growing Conditions for Saucer Magnolia
Saucer magnolia, which is hardy in zones 4 through 9, likes full sun to partial shade and well-draining, slightly acidic soil. Certain clay soils are also tolerable to the trees. Although saucer magnolias typically grow in multi-stemmed clumps, single-stemmed varieties can also be excellent specimen trees for yards and gardens. At maturity, they can grow to be 20 to 30 feet (6-9 m) tall and 20 to 25 feet (6-8 m) wide, growing 1 to 2 feet (31–61 cm) annually.
The common name “saucer magnolia” comes from the saucer-shaped flowers that it bears from February to April, which have a diameter of 5 to 10 inches (13–15 cm). The location and variety will determine the precise bloom time. A saucer magnolia tree produces leathery, dark green foliage that contrasts beautifully with its smooth gray bark after its pink-purple and white blooms fade.
Maintenance of Saucer Magnolias
No particular maintenance is required for saucer magnolia. A saucer magnolia tree needs deep, regular watering when it is first planted in order to form sturdy roots. But by the second year, it should only require irrigation during dry spells.
A late frost in a colder climate can kill flower buds, so you might not get any flowers at all. For more consistent blooms, try later-blooming cultivars like “Brozzonii,” “Lennei,” or “Verbanica” in northern regions.