When Do Conifers Shed Needles: What Causes Pine Trees To Lose Their Needles?
Do Conifers Ever Drop Their Leaves: What Season Do Pine Trees Lose Their Needles?

When do conifers shed their needles? Deciduous trees lose their leaves in the winter. Although conifers belong to the evergreen category, they are not always green. Approximately coinciding with the fall and color change of deciduous tree leaves, you may notice your beloved conifer losing its needles. Continue reading to learn why and when conifers lose their needles.
The Reasons Behind Conifers’ Needle Drop
You might become alarmed and wonder, “Why is my conifer shedding needles?” if it starts to shed its needles. It is not necessary. Nude shedding on a conifer is quite normal. Needles from conifers don’t last forever. Your tree can get rid of the older needles to make room for new growth through the natural, yearly needle shed.
Conifers Shed Their Needles When?
When do needles fall from conifers? Do conifers regularly lose their needles? A conifer typically loses its needles once a year, in the fall. As part of its natural needle drop, your conifer will shed needles every September through October. The older, inner foliage yellows appear first. Not long after, it hits the floor. But the tree is not about to lose its leaves. New foliage on most conifers does not fall; it remains green.
Which Pines Lose Their Needles?
Not every conifer releases an equal amount of needles. Some shed every year, some less, some all the needles. Drought and root damage are two stress factors that can lead to an abnormally high number of falling needles. One conifer whose needles fall out dramatically is white pine. All needles are dropped, with the exception of those from this year and occasionally the year before. By winter, these trees may appear bare. Spruce, on the other hand, is a conifer whose needles fall off without much notice. It can hold five years’ worth of needles. You might not even notice the natural needle loss because of this. Certain conifers are deciduous, meaning they lose all of their needles annually. A conifer, larches lose all of their needles in the fall. Another conifer that loses its needles annually to pass the winter with bare branches is the dawn redwood.
Do Conifers Often Shed Their Needles?
Your tree might require assistance if the conifers in your backyard have yellowing needles that fall off often, meaning it’s not just fall. Needles can die naturally in the fall, but they can also die from diseases or insects that feed on conifers. Some woolly aphid species cause the dying and dropping of needles. Needle loss can also be a result of fungus-based illnesses. In the spring, the fungi typically target conifers and kill the needles in the lower reaches of the trees. Conifer needles can also be killed by spider mites and fungus leaf spots. Needles can also die from heat stress and water stress.