What Can I Plant Around A Japanese Maple Tree: What To Plant With Japanese Maple Trees And Do Japanese Maples Cross Pollinate?
What Can I Plant Around A Maple Tree: What Planting Mix For Japanese Maple?

Acer palmatum, or Japanese maples, are small, low-maintenance ornamentals with striking fall foliage. Even when planted alone, Japanese maples lend elegance to any garden; however, their beauty can be amplified by planting them with companions. You will have plenty of options if you’re looking for companions for Japanese maples. For planting suggestions with Japanese maple trees, continue reading.
Next to Japanese maples, planting
USDA plant hardiness zones 6 through 9 are ideal for Japanese maple growth. They favor soil that is acidic. Consider only plants that have similar growth requirements when choosing plants to plant next to Japanese maples. Acid-loving plants can make excellent companions for Japanese maples. Planting gardenias, rhododendrons, or begonias are some options. Cultivars of begonias thrive in USDA zones 6 through 11, yielding large, multicolored blossoms. Gardenias are hardy in zones 8 through 10, with fragrant flowers and deep green foliage. There are thousands of species and cultivars of rhododendrons to select from.
What Japanese Maple Trees Should Be Planted
Other trees are one possible companion for Japanese maples. You can combine different varieties of Japanese maple that offer varying leaf colors and shapes. For example, combine Acer palmatum, Acer palmatum var. dissectum, and Acer japonicum to make a summer garden that is lush and appealing and an autumn display that is lovely. You might also think about choosing different kinds of trees, like trees with color patterns that contrast with the Japanese maple’s. One to think about is dogwood trees. These little trees have stunning foliage, intriguing winter silhouettes, and spring blossoms that make them attractive all year round. In addition to Japanese maples, other conifers can also be used to create a pleasing contrast.
What about Japanese maples’ other friends? Simple groundcover plants make excellent companions for Japanese maples if you don’t want to draw attention away from their stunning nature. When the maple leaves have fallen in the winter, evergreen groundcovers brighten up the garden corner. It’s not necessary for groundcover plants to be unnoticeable. For striking groundcover, try purple sheep’s burr (Acaena inermis ‘Purpurea’). It boasts brilliant purple foliage and can reach a height of 6 inches (15 cm). Choose shade-loving plants for groundcover beauty that lasts all year. These include ground-level plants such as asters, ferns, and mosses.