Snofozam Tree: How to Care for Snow Fountain Cherry

Consider cultivating a Snow Fountain cherry, Prunus x ‘Snowfozam,’ as a flowering tree to add some color and beauty to your landscape. A Snowfozam tree: what is it? Continue reading for helpful information on growing Snow Fountain cherries, including growing tips.
A Snofozam Tree: What Is It?
Under the trade name Snow Fountain, Snofozam is a deciduous tree that can withstand temperatures between 4 and 8 degrees Celsius. Snow Fountain cherries are beautiful in the spring, when their dazzlingly white, showy booms cover them. However, they have a habit of weeping. These belong to the genus Prunus, which is Latin for plum or cherry tree, and family Rosaceae. Lake County Nursery in Perry, Ohio, introduced snofozam cherry trees in 1985. They are occasionally identified as a P. x yedoensis or P. subhirtella cultivar. Snow Fountain cherries are a tiny, compact tree that only reaches a height and width of around 12 feet (4 meters). The alternating dark green foliage of the tree transforms into stunning shades of gold and orange during the fall. The tree, as previously mentioned, blooms profusely in the spring. Little, inedible red (later turning black) fruit appear after the blossoms. This tree is particularly lovely in a Japanese-style garden or next to a reflecting pond because of its weeping habit. The tree gets its name from its weeping habit, which dips to the ground when in bloom and gives the appearance of a snow fountain. Snofozam can also be grown to cascade over walls or grown in a low growing form that makes an attractive groundcover.
How to Plant a Snow Fountain Cherry
While they can withstand some shade, snow fountain cherries thrive in full sun on moist, somewhat fertile, well-draining loam. Before putting in Snow Fountain cherries, till the upper soil layer with some organic mulch. Create a hole that is twice as wide and as deep as the root ball. After loosening its roots, carefully lower the tree into the hole. Soil should be added to and compacted around the root ball. Give the tree plenty of water, then mulch a few inches (5 cm) of bark around the base of the tree. Retain the mulch away from the tree’s trunk. For the first few years, stake the tree to provide it with extra support.
Snow Fountain Tree Maintenance
Growing a Snow Fountain cherry requires little upkeep once the tree is well-established. If there are protracted dry spells, water the tree deeply a couple of times a week; if it rains, water it less. Fertilize when the buds first appear in the spring. As directed by the manufacturer, apply an all-purpose (10-10-10) fertilizer or a fertilizer designed specifically for flowering trees. Usually done sparingly, pruning serves only to shorten branches, get rid of ground shoots, and remove any unhealthy or broken branches. The tree can be shaped into a multitude of shapes and responds well to pruning. In addition to diseases like leaf spot and canker, snow fountain cherries are vulnerable to borers, aphids, caterpillars, and scale.