Growers are more than just landscapers. In addition, they are warriors, ready to fight any enemy that arises in their backyard, be it an invasion of invasive plants, illnesses, or insects. I have always found invasive plants to be the most controversial and challenging to manage. If you’ve ever faced off against a strong bamboo stand, you understand exactly what I mean. Regrettably, gardeners are plagued by a seemingly endless list of invasive species, of which bamboo is just one.
The royal empress tree (Paulownia tomentosa), sometimes referred to as the princess tree or royal paulownia, is another royal pain in the rear. Even though it might seem impossible to eradicate this incredibly fast-growing tree, there might be some things you can do to slow down the spread of paulownia. Learn more about royal empress control by reading on.
The Paulownia Epidemic
Originating in western China, the royal empress tree was brought to Europe in the early 1800s as a highly valued flowering ornamental and then to the United States. It might have also entered the country through Chinese imports that were packaged using the fluffy empress’s seeds. It’s simple to blame whoever brought this ornamental into our nation, but can you really blame them given the splendor of the royal empress tree?
It can be so very, very pretty in the spring, with heart-shaped leaves and clusters of fragrant lavender flowers that are about 2 inches (5 cm) in diameter (sigh). Hold on, what’s going on? I took in so much beauty that I feel the need for some sobering figures. Let’s face it, this tree is invasive. Paulownia trees are displacing native plants, destroying wildlife habitats, and endangering our agriculture and timber industries, so we need to know how to kill them.
Do you see those 21 million tiny seeds with wings blowing in the wind? That is only from ONE tree, and even in very little soil, those seeds sprout up quite quickly.
A single year can see the royal empress tree reach an incredible height of 15 feet (4.5 meters)! A royal empress tree can reach peaks of 80 and 48 feet (24 and 15 meters), respectively, in height and width. All right, so we know how it arrived and how it spreads, but how can the royal empress be removed?
Managing Paulownia
Let’s investigate paulownia tree killing techniques. Herbicides, preferably environmentally friendly ones, are the most efficient way to eradicate royal empress.
Big Tree Selections (trees taller than a head):
When it is not possible to remove the tree, use the hack and squirt method. Cut slits in the bark around the tree stem using a hatchet. Then, use a handheld spray bottle to apply an organic herbicide into the slits. During the growing season, the tree should die, but you might need to reapply the following year.
Cut and Paint: As soon as the tree begins to bloom, use a chainsaw to cut it all the way down. After a few hours of cutting, use a backpack sprayer or a handheld spray bottle to apply the same homemade or organic herbicide to the tree stump. You might have to repeat this process one or two times.
Options for small trees (trees less than a head high): Young Sprouts or Seedlings
Hand Pull: Make sure to grasp the entire root system when using your hands to pull. It is ideal to do this with wet soil.
Foliar Spray: In the event that new shoots emerge, use an organic foliar herbicide. Seaweed and amino acids may be present in these sprays.
Seeds: Place any seed capsules in a heavy-duty garbage bag and discard.