Royal Empress Tree: Fastest Growing Shade Tree

Most of the time, instant shade has a cost. Normally, fast-growing trees would have one or more drawbacks for you. One would be flimsy trunks and branches that are readily harmed by wind. Additionally, there’s always the chance of poorer pest or disease resistance. Extremely aggressive root systems would be last but certainly not least. It’s not necessary for roots to take over not just your yard but also the yard of a neighbor.
This may have various negative effects on the landscape. Among the options are:
- putting smaller plants in a struggle to survive for nutrients and water, a struggle that many of them might not be able to win.
- making it practically hard to dig a hole in your soil for new shrubs, trees, or perennials.
- clogging your subsurface drainage system with water-seeking roots.
- softwood branch litter that falls into your yard on a regular basis.
However, the Royal Empress tree (Paulownia tomentosa) won’t cause you any of these issues. What advantages does this lovely tree offer, then? Continue reading to learn more.
Growing a Royal Empress Tree Has Its Advantages
In reality, no tree can provide “instant shade.” You need a roof for that. Most quickly growing trees will grow by 4 to 6 feet (1-2 meters) in height each year. The Royal Empress tree has an amazing annual growth rate of 15 feet (5 meters). They have a non-aggressive root system and a lovely, highly branched canopy. It won’t be invasive or vulnerable to illness or pest issues, so you won’t have to worry about those things. It has been demonstrated that Royal Empress can withstand severe droughts without seeking out water.
The added benefit is gorgeous, large-flowered lavender in the spring. The Royal Empress tree provides a gorgeous, long-lasting cloud of color with a delicate scent. In the summer, the large, rich green leaves look very nice. This wood, which is actually a hardwood used for lumber and fine furniture in some countries, is stronger than balsam.
These trees can help you start saving money on utility bills in a matter of years rather than decades because of how quickly they grow. Huge trees can reduce your heating and cooling costs by up to 25%.
Shade Tree
The hybrid Paulownia tree has the most amazing environmental benefits. The massive leaves quickly remove toxins and pollutants from the atmosphere. Up to 48 pounds (22 kg) of carbon dioxide can be absorbed daily by a single Royal Empress tree, which then releases pure, clean oxygen in its place. Only one tree possesses this ability. They also remove dangerous greenhouse gases from the atmosphere. Paulownia roots rapidly take up excess fertilizer from runoff from crop fields or animal production zones.
Planting a tree should only be done if it will benefit the planet and you. More benefits are available to you from the Empress tree than from any other single tree on Earth. This species is not foreign to North America. There is fossilized proof that certain species were once widely distributed across this continent.
The advantages of hybrid Paulownia trees are stunning and unique, and they are not just empty platitudes. Planting these trees will help you become a more environmentally conscious citizen. For everyone’s benefit, the Royal Empress tree is actually the most practical truth.