Magnolia Tree Pruning Guide

Breathe deeply if you find yourself feeling compelled to begin pruning the magnolia trees in your yard. Remember that most mature magnolia trees require little to no pruning. Depending on the kind of magnolia tree you have, you may be able to perform some minor pruning.
Continue reading if you’re wondering when and how to trim magnolia trees. We’ll provide you with all the knowledge required to thin a magnolia tree.
Certain trees require pruning in order to grow a robust structure, but other trees don’t mind being drastically pruned. However, magnolias do not belong to either category. Generally speaking, unless they have been severely damaged by a storm, magnolias never need to be severely pruned. On the other hand, certain varieties of magnolia trees can be shaped with extremely light pruning.
Do you have questions about when to prune a magnolia? The time frame between mid-summer and late fall is ideal for doing this. This is the dormant season for magnolias. The pruning wounds on trees pruned in late winter or early spring will probably bleed sap.
Ask yourself if pruning a magnolia tree is necessary at all before attempting to figure out how to do it. When planting, young, evergreen magnolias can be trimmed to help shape the tree. Just trim back any long branches. Generally speaking, they shouldn’t be pruned once they are established. It’s not necessary to prune them to shape them. They take time to mature into their form, so be patient and give it time.
If necessary, thinly prune deciduous magnolias to give them a more defined shape. Remove a few branches from a magnolia if you need to make it smaller. When you do so, prune stems back to the trunk in an effort to maintain an open and balanced crown. To prevent weakening the tree, space out any sizing pruning over a few years as opposed to doing it all at once. Remember that too little pruning is preferable to too much, as it can cause stress to the trees.
Can the Shape of a Young Magnolia Be Pruned?
Indeed. When planting, young evergreen magnolias can be pruned. Shorten the longest branches’ length.
Magnolias Bloom When?
Magnolia bloom times vary depending on the species. From February to June is when flowers appear. Both the glossy-leaved southern magnolia (Magnolia grandiflora) and the evergreen Oyama magnolia (Magnolia sieboldii) bloom late. One of the first to bloom is the well-known saucer magnolia (Magnolia x soulangeana), which displays its exquisite blossoms on bare branches before the leaves tuck in.
How Difficult Is It to Prune a Magnolia?
If you must prune a mature deciduous magnolia, do so sparingly. Pruning puts trees under stress. Considering severe pruning is not advisable.
Topping a tree refers to chopping off the topmost portion of the trunk to reduce the tree’s height. This is unhealthy and a poor practice for all trees, but especially for magnolias, which often bleed sap from pruning wounds.
Can a Magnolia Tree Be Topped?
Topping a tree refers to chopping off the topmost portion of the trunk to reduce the tree’s height. This is unhealthy and a poor practice for all trees, but especially for magnolias, which often bleed sap from pruning wounds.