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Pin Oak Growth Rate: How to Plant a Pin Oak Tree

Author David Icke once said, “Today’s mighty oak is just yesterday’s nut, that held its ground.” For hundreds of years, pin oak trees have been a native shade tree in the eastern United States, growing quickly and maintaining their position. Yes, you are correct; I did just use the terms “oak” and “fast growing” in the same sentence. Not all oaks grow as slowly as people think they do. Learn more about pin oak growth rate and how to use pin oaks in landscapes by reading on.

Details about Pin Oak

Quercus palustris, sometimes known as pin oak, is a large, full, ovate-shaped tree that is native to areas 4 through 8 and hardy east of the Mississippi River. It is among the oak trees that grows the fastest, gaining 24 inches (61 cm) or more annually. Pin oak trees are tolerant of damp soils and typically reach heights of 60 to 80 feet (19–25 m) and widths of 25 to 40 feet (8–12 m). However, under the right circumstances (a rich, acidic soil that is moist), pin oaks have been known to reach heights of over 100 feet (30.5 m).

Pin oaks, which belong to the red oak family, cannot grow in regions with high elevations or on slopes. They are typically found close to rivers, streams, and lakes in moist lowlands. Acorns from pin oak trees are frequently scattered far from their parent plant and are given life by spring flooding. A valuable food source for squirrels, deer, rabbits, and various game as well as songbirds, are these acorns along with the tree’s leaves, bark, and flowers.

Planting Pin Oak Trees in Gardens

Pin oak trees have glossy, dark green leaves in the summer that turn deep red to bronze in the fall and stay in place all winter. The gorgeous foliage is suspended from substantial, dense branches.

Pin oaks have an ovate shape that becomes more pyramidal with age; the middle branches stretch out horizontally, the upper branches grow upright, and the lower branches hang downward. Because of its pendulous lower branches, pin oaks are not always the best choice for small yards or streets.

Pin oaks are great trees for large landscapes because of their rapid growth, stunning fall color, and interesting winter foliage. It can also cast a lot of shade, and planting a pin oak tree is made simple by its shallow, fibrous roots. The reddish-gray bark of young trees is smooth. The bark of the tree deepens in fissures and turns a darker gray with age. If the pH of the soil is too high or alkaline, pin oaks may develop iron chlorosis, which results in premature leaf drop and yellowing of the leaves.

Use tree fertilizers or acidic or iron-rich soil amendments to remedy this. Additional issues that pin oaks may face include:

  • Gall
  • Measurement
  • Bacterial scorch on leaves
  • Wilt oak
  • Uninteresting People
  • Infestations of gypsy moths

If you suspect any of these conditions with your pin oak, give a professional arborist a call.

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