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How Palm Tree Seed Germination Happens: What a Palm Tree Seed Looks Like

The least expensive option if you’d like to have palm trees in your backyard is to grow them from seed. When it comes to asexual propagation methods like cutting, layering, or division, palm trees grow in a way that makes this your only option in many cases.

Surprisingly, planting a palm tree seed involves more work than you might imagine. Considering how crucial it is to obtain mature seeds, plant them right away, and exercise patience. Germination of palm tree seeds can take months or even years, instead of just a few weeks. Continue reading to learn more.

Pods from palm trees: what are they?

Obtaining seeds is a must if you want to begin growing palms from seed. Although they are available for purchase, you can also obtain them from the seed pods of flowering palms. A fresh seed will usually germinate faster. The balls that develop close to the flowers and hold the palm seeds are called pods.

How do the seeds of a palm tree look? That is totally dependent on the type of palm. Some are as big as bowling balls, like coconuts, while others are tiny and bright red, like holly berries. When the fruit falls from the tree or reaches full ripeness, you should gather the seeds.

Viability of Palm Tree Seeds

Generally speaking, using the harvested seeds as soon as possible is ideal when growing palms from seed. Certain palms have seeds that are viable for only a few weeks, but others can last up to a year or longer if stored properly.

Placing a seed in a container of warm water is a common test to see if it is viable (and can germinate). Don’t use anything that floats. It’s okay if it sinks. It should be noted that experts believe this test to be imprecise because many of the seeds that floated in the test will sprout identically.

Germination of Palm Tree Seeds

The germination of palm tree seeds can take an extremely long time. The majority of palms require 100 days or longer to germinate, with an average germination rate of less than 20 percent, according to specialists at the University of Nevada, Reno.

You must scrape off the fruit and remove the outer layer of the seed pod, leaving only the seed, before planting a palm tree seed. If you are planting a small amount of seeds, soak them in water for a few days before using a knife to remove the fruit tissue.

Place every seed into a tiny container and either lightly cover it with soil or leave it partially submerged. Rather than being buried in the ground to grow, palm seeds are naturally dispersed by the wind and animals and germinate on top of the soil.

The pots should be kept in a warm, humid area. To keep moisture in, you can also cover the pot with a plastic bag. Wait while keeping the soil moist.

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