
Japanese Snowbell Growing: How do you take care of a Japanese snowbell and How fast does a Japanese snowbell tree grow

Japanese snowbell trees are compact, spring-blooming, and low maintenance. All of these characteristics make them ideal for modestly sized, low-maintenance landscaping along property borders and on parking lot islands. To get more information about Japanese snowbells, including planting tips and maintenance tips, continue reading.

Information about Snowbell in Japanese

The native regions of Japanese snowbell trees, or Styrax japonicus, are China, Japan, and Korea. In USDA zones 5 through 8a, they are hardy. They spread out to be 15 to 25 feet (5-8 m) in diameter and grow slowly to a height of 20 to 30 feet (6-9 m). They produce mildly fragrant white flowers in May and June, which are typically produced in late spring or early summer.

The flowers are small, five-petaled bells that hang down below the upward-growing foliage in clusters that are highly visible. Summertime brings with it pleasant, long-lasting green fruits that resemble olives in place of the flowers. Although deciduous, Japanese snowbell trees don’t have a particularly spectacular fall display. The leaves drop and turn yellow, sometimes red, in the fall. The spring is their most spectacular season.

Japanese Snowbell Maintenance

A Japanese snowbell tree requires very little maintenance. In the warmer zones of its hardy climate (7 and 8), the plant prefers partial shade; however, it can withstand full sun in cooler climates. It thrives in peaty, somewhat acidic soil.

Watering the ground frequently will help to keep it moist, but it shouldn’t become soggy. A location protected from winter winds is ideal for planting the few varieties that are hardy down to zone 5. The tree will mature into an eye-catching spreading pattern over time. There isn’t much pruning needed, but as it gets bigger, you should definitely pull out the lowest branches to make room for people walking on foot or, better yet, a bench beneath it.

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