Camphor Tree Growing: What İs Camphor Wood Used For?
What Can You Do With Camphor Leaves And What Are The Uses Of Camphor?

Few gardeners have an opinion on the camphor tree (Cinnamomum camphora) that is neither love nor hate. In the landscape, camphor trees grow enormously quickly, which makes some homeowners happy and others uncomfortable. In your backyard, the tree can yield thousands of seedlings from its thousands of berries. Continue reading to learn more about camphor trees.
Details of Camphor Trees
It is impossible to overlook camphor trees in the scenery. A tree can reach a height of 150 feet (46 meters) and a width of twice that height. According to information on camphor trees, the maximum trunk diameter in the United States is substantially smaller, but in some places, the trunks can reach a height of 15 feet (5 meters). Oval, glossy leaves hang from long petioles on camphor trees. The leaves have three yellow veins and begin as a rusty red color before turning dark green. The leaves have a darker top and a paler underside. Although these trees are indigenous to the mesic forests of China, Japan, Korea, and Taiwan, they have spread to Australia and are now found along the Pacific and Gulf coasts.
Growth of Camphor Trees
You’ll need more information about camphor trees if you’re interested in growing them. These trees prefer to grow in sandy, fertile soil that ranges in pH from 4.3 to 8. It is ideal to grow camphor trees in either full sun or partial shade. When camphor trees are first transplanted, they require watering; however, once established, they can withstand drought conditions. Don’t plant with the idea of moving them later on. It is important to keep in mind that camphor trees grow far from the trunk and that their roots are extremely sensitive to disturbance.
Applications of Camphor Trees
One can plant camphor trees as a windbreak or shade tree. It is highly wind and storm resistant due to its long roots. Other uses for camphor trees, though, might surprise you. China and Japan cultivate the tree commercially for its oil, which is used in medicine. Plant compounds found in camphor oil can be used as effective antiseptics and have been used to treat everything from toothaches to parasite infections. Another use for camphor trees is for their beautiful red-and-yellow-striped wood. It works well for bug repellent and woodworking. Perfumes also contain camphor.