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Invasive Trees: 7 Invasive Trees You Should Never Plant In Your Yard Or Garden

Invasive Trees

Nothing like trees, especially native ones, to entice nature into one’s backyard. However, a lot of invasive trees displace native species and alter the ecosystem. They are able to elude cultivation and proliferate into untamed regions, where they can stifle or obscure indigenous flora.

While it is well known that certain of these trees are invasive, there are others that are equally harmful to the environment but go unrecognized. Let’s examine a few of the worst offenders that you should never cultivate.

Planting Invasive Trees Is Not Advised

In order to better protect the environment, are you prepared to learn the truth about invasive species? These are seven trees you should never plant in your yard.

Invasive Trees

1. Norway Maple

With its purple foliage, the “Crimson King” cultivar of Norway maple (Acer platanoides) is one of the most well-liked varieties. This tree is incredibly shade tolerant. In certain regions, such as the Northeast, its ability to withstand shade and an abundance of wind-blown seeds have turned it into an invasive species.

Norway maple performs better than local natives such as sugar maple. Although seedlings can be manually removed, and saplings can be cut or pulled up with a weed lever, re-sprouting will happen, so additional care will be required.

2. Elm from Siberia

Ulmus pumila is an invasive species that can reach heights of up to 70 feet (21 meters). It has small leaves, winged, round fruit that hangs in clusters, and green flowers that open before the foliage. In places with poor soil, it grows quickly with little rainfall. This allows it to invade disturbed prairies and take control of them in a matter of years.

The species has a high rate of seed germination and resistance to Dutch elm. Because it pollinates native elms, it is challenging to identify.

3. Olive Autumn

The berries on this shrub (Eleagus umbellata) are a brilliant red color that catches the eye of passersby and wildlife alike. It can reach a height of 20 feet (6 meters), and since hungry birds and mammals spread the berry seeds far and wide, it has become an invasive species. The Tennessee Exotic Pest Plant Council has classified autumn olive as a Severe Threat due to its high degree of invasiveness.

4. The Princess Tree

A very pretty tree, the Princess Tree (Paulownia tormentosa) has heart-shaped leaves and upright clusters of lavender or pink flowers. Thousands of seeds are released from the dry, brown capsules by those beautiful flowers in the fall. The seeds germinate fast and can grow up to 15 feet (5 meters) a year. Once established, it is challenging to eradicate.

5. Mimosa

Although native to Asia, the silk tree (Albizia julibizin), also called the mimosa, is often found growing along powerline and highway rights-of-way as well as the edges of forests. Originally introduced as an ornamental, the Tennessee Exotic Pest Plant Council has now classified it as a “Severe Threat.”

Large leaves, pink, thread-like flowers, and a profusion of flat, long-lasting seed pods characterize this bean family member. When clipped back, it sprouts like crazy, just like other invasive shrubs.

6. Heavenly Tree

In the 1780s, the street tree known as the “tree of heaven,” Ailanthus altissima, was brought to this nation and quickly grew to be 80 or 100 feet (24–30.5 m) tall. It can grow in poor soils and eventually spread throughout most of North America. It is also tolerant of smoke and soot.

Its many winged fruits, each with a single central seed that spreads easily, have led to it being classified as invasive in at least thirty states today. When the tree is trimmed back, it also easily sprouts from its roots.

7. The Callery Pear

Native to Asia, the Callery pear (Pyrus calleryana), popularly called the Bradford pear tree, is a highly invasive plant. For many years, these resilient and hardy trees were favored for urban and suburban settings; however, the sale of Bradford pear trees has been prohibited in a number of states, including Ohio.

Native to Asia, the Callery pear (Pyrus calleryana)

These trees are aggressive spreaders that have taken over large areas in the Midwest, choking out native trees and other plants in the process, despite providing a lovely display of white blossoms in the spring.

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